
108. Chrome Dev Summit Highlights

Episode Summary

Una recently spoke at Chrome Dev Summit and Chris... Chris watched a bunch of the videos. We chat about our favourite new things showcased at CDS

Episode Notes



Today's Sponsors


Square has API's and SDK to make payments easy! Square lets you bootstrap your e-commerce site with payment forms to quickly embed a checkout experience into a website. You can then go beyond payments with APIs to help manage orders, catalog, inventory, or employee management.

They've recently launched a new YouTube Channel for Developers - check it out to learn how to use Square SDKs and APIs to make payments and run a business at


Datadog provides real-time monitoring for cloud-scale environments, unifying metrics, distributed traces and logs into one platform.
Check them out today at to start your 14-day free trial and don't forget your T-shirt!

Shout out to our continued supporter: Webflow

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